Look Dev Kit - Python/Maya

I created my own quick Loo Development kit for my personal projects! This has been very helpful with just settings up a quick lighting set up and camera to start testing materials. Through the tool you can...
1. Set up a render camera
2. Set up a simple 3 point lighting set up with Dome Light with HDR
3. Change the HDR texture with provided presets for different times of day
4. Create a mirror ball, matte ball and macbeth chart look dev geo
5. If needed create a turntable camera for quick renders with adjustable lengths
6. Delete parts or ALL of the Look Dev kit with a click of a button!

Anything else I should add to this quick set up LDK?

Create a render camera with presets to start your Look Development!

Create a render camera with presets to start your Look Development!

Create Look Dev geo like a mirror ball, matte ball and macbeth chart

Create Look Dev geo like a mirror ball, matte ball and macbeth chart

Create a 3 point light set up with a controller to help scale up the system to your scene

Create a 3 point light set up with a controller to help scale up the system to your scene

Use the preselected HDRs for different types of day

Use the preselected HDRs for different types of day

Create a turntable camera with animation with adjustable time lengths

Create a turntable camera with animation with adjustable time lengths

Delete parts or ALL of the Look Dev Kit

Delete parts or ALL of the Look Dev Kit